1. Being _____ in a foreign language is never easy, so you have to practice it at all times. (108年考題) 

2. After seeing the painting, I _____ to start taking art lessons. (101年考題) 

3. Terry wishes he _____ able to become a pilot. (101年考題) 

4. I didn’t go to Taipei last week; I wish I _____ there. (100年考題) 

5. A number of automobile _____ agencies are located on the lower level of the airport.  (111年考題) 

6. The cars are _____ in price, but far apart in terms of performance. (112年考題) 

7. To prevent students from parking in the parking area assigned for faculty members, the school administration _____ a new regulation. (105年考題)

8. If my memory _____, John won the first place in the speech contest. (101年考題) 

9. Nowadays there are plenty of different methods teaching us how to live longer, from impossible diet plans to rigorous yoga routines, _____ suggest that you sleep before 10:00 p.m. and wake up at 4:00 a.m. to practice yoga daily. (110年考題) 

10. Having experienced many failures, Jackson starts to fear _____ the future holds for him. (103年考題)

11. Although I am racking my _____, I just can’t think of the password. (104年考題)

12. The company has _____ a million dollars on hardware and software to upgrade its computer equipment. (104年考題)

13. Simon is _____. He is aggressive and prone to cause an argument. (110年考題) 

14. The experimenter told the students that she _____ later to explain how each problem was solved. (109年考題) 

15. Taiwan orchid producers have successfully mastered their art to the point that they now enjoy a _____ lead in the floricultural industry. (103年考題)

16. Do you think it good for students to be absolutely _____ without making any objections in any case? (100年考題) 

17. Different scientists, analyzing the same data, may arrive at wholly different and sometimes _____ interpretations. (111年考題) 

18. Most nutritionists recommend that people restrict their consumption _____. (106年考題) 

19. Everyone has been talking about the hyper-violent thriller that has become a massive _____ ever since it launched on Netflix two weeks ago. (110年考題) 

20. The suspect denies _____ into the house, but there is quite enough convincing evidence _____ him guilty. (111年考題) 

21. The workers have decided to _____ with their employers about their wage claims. (100年考題) 

22. The company has been successful in _____ overseas markets this year. (106年考題) 

23. Stress relief is one of the most important factors for a longer life, and _____ suitable methods for releasing stress is important. (110年考題) 

24. As we watched the movie, we were in _____ of the director’s creativity. (101年考題) 

25. We feel very sorry to cancel the appointment _____, and we will do everything within our power to make up for it. (111年考題) 

26. The ship was carrying a _____ of crude oil. (105年考題)

27. The government promised a substantial reduction in the _____ of greenhouse gases. (104年考題)

28. Before the baseball game, the coach attempted to _____ his players with an inspiring pep talk. (104年考題)

29. Her coach suggests that she _____ enough rest before participating in the race. (108年考題) 

30. The airplane was flying at _____ of 25,000 feet. (103年考題)

31. I started this project early this year. So far, I _____ on this project for nearly a year. (101年考題) 

32. With all things _____ into consideration, I think we’d better give up the plan. (100年考題) 

33. The director had the last _____ on his critics when his movie took the top spot. (108年考題) 

34. A good way to keep your feelings of anxiety _____ is to meditate, relax, and calm yourself down. (104年考題)

35. Stylistically speaking, the design of this smartphone is _____ rather than revolutionary because we do not see any refreshingly new design ideas. (101年考題) 

36. Due to _____ issues, including an increase in electricity prices, fares for all lines of the subway system will increase by NT$5 starting next month. (108年考題) 

37. I enjoy reading Harry Potter series as the story plot is really creative and _____. (104年考題)

38. Playing sports in school _____ meant to teach teamwork and leadership skills students can use later in life. (103年考題)

39. This year, only two applicants joined the job interview, but _____ of the candidates was qualified for the job. (112年考題) 

40. Remember _____ Barry on his promotion. (101年考題) 

41. That van is the ideal vehicle for carpooling because it can _____ nine passengers and two pets. (109年考題) 

42. In a laboratory, it is important to be _____ when measuring substances. (112年考題) 

43. A _____ person does not talk with food in his mouth. (103年考題)

44. While some bacteria are beneficial, others are _____ in that they cause disease. (105年考題)

45. Maxine explained the case to the judge _____ an experienced lawyer. (106年考題) 

46. If Kim thinks that I’m going to let her copy my math homework, she’s _____. (111年考題) 

47. My brother had an accident while _____ how to ride a bicycle. (105年考題)

48. A microscope can _____ a cell and make it large for our eyes to see. (112年考題) 

49. Typhoon Soudelor _____ across Taiwan and made great damage this August. (104年考題)

50. The whole affair is an outrage and the authorities have done nothing to _____ it. (104年考題)