1. For _____ have lost their mothers or mother figures, Mother's Day may not be a day of celebration. (107年第一銀行考題) 

2. Prices of almost all commodities have gone up a lot recently, and the government is trying hard to keep _____ down. (112年合作金庫考題) 

3. If you still cannot figure out how to set up your new device, watch the _____ online for step-by-step instructions. (108年第一銀行考題) 

4. _____ who are interested in keeping their body in good shape should exercise frequently. (112年合作金庫考題) 

5. _____ from the top of the mountain, the beach is crowded with hotels and others high-rise buildings  (111年第一銀行考題) 

6. _____ by the urge to solve cases, the detective considers his work an entertainment rather than a job. (108年臺灣銀行考題) 

7. The social media platform announced that posts _____ some weight loss products and cosmetic procedures will soon be restricted. (108年第一銀行考題) 

8. I don’t remember _____ you in class. Is this your first lesson? (112年兆豐銀行考題) 

9. Thank you for the very _____ presentation on the topic. It really gave us something to think about.  (111年兆豐銀行考題) 

10. What does the word “fumbled” (in paragraph 6) probably mean? (110年合庫金控考題) 

11. Sammy _____ to Canada on vacation. You will not be able to see him until next month. (108年兆豐銀行考題) 

12. If students _____ with the ability to cope with uncertainty, innovations in education will be necessary. (107年第一銀行考題) 

13. When John returned home, he found his house _____ into and all his valuables _____. (108年第一銀行考題) 

14. Jane has become _____ as she faces difficulties with a calmer and more thoughtful manner than she did. (108年彰化銀行考題) 

15. My grandfather is over eighty, but he is still full of _____. I hope he can always be this energetic. (107年臺灣中小企業銀行考題) 

16. In the recent popular TV series, _____ was gradually built up with questions revolving around who may have killed the protagonist. (111年臺灣銀行考題) 

17. Buying smaller homes enables home owners to reduce living costs _____ utility bills. (107年第一銀行考題) 

18. Understanding the mechanics of how our brain cells work could play a role in _____ dementia, the disease of losing intelligence. (109年臺灣銀行考題) 

19. _____ Tony spoke publicly to guard his rights, all his friends and family were amazed. (110年臺灣銀行考題) 

20. Some bacteria and viruses have developed ways of avoiding _____ system defenses and causing sickness. (107年兆豐銀行考題) 

21. Students are often encouraged to work _____ on the tasks they are given because care and effort are valued. (110年臺灣銀行考題) 

22. During the pandemic crisis, the government is taking steps to _____ business development in economically distressed areas. (110年合庫金控考題) 

23. With a work _____, a foreigner can apply for a work visa in order to have temporary residence in Taiwan.  (111年第一銀行考題) 

24. He is very sweet to her, _____ she still cannot make herself love him. (110年合作金庫考題) 

25. Thank you for _____ me a second chance. (110年合庫金控考題) 

26. Optimism about housing values led to a _____ in home construction. (107年兆豐銀行考題) 

27. He was _____ from school because of extremely inappropriate behavior in class. (107年第一銀行考題) 

28. Without a decisive leader, the organizing process was redundant and _____. (108年彰化銀行考題) 

29. Food _____ service is very convenient. Just a few taps on your smartphone, and what you’d like to eat would be brought to you soon after. (110年土地銀行考題) 

30. To _____ the problem of teenage smoking, the state decided to ban all tobacco and e-cigarette sales. (108年合作金庫考題) 

31. The general gave an inspirational speech to the soldiers to boost the _____ of the army. (110年合作金庫考題) 

32. The kindergarten kid is reluctant _____ the classroom on the first day of school. (108年兆豐銀行考題) 

33. Bananas are grown in _____ regions, where the climate is hot and wet. (107年土地銀行考題) 

34. Many buildings in California would _____ in a big earthquake if its magnitude exceeds 7.0. (108年臺灣中小企業銀行考題) 

35. Do not put too much water in the pot. Just _____ of a cup should be enough. (111年兆豐銀行考題) 

36. This product _____ all the others in our testing. That’s why we think this product will be your best choice.  (111年兆豐銀行考題) 

37. To everyone’s surprise, the long-time friend of the candidate voted for his _____ in this year’s election. (109年彰化銀行考題) 

38. According to the guideline of the lab, students are not allowed to handle these chemicals unless they are under the _____ of teachers. (110年合庫金控考題) 

39. Samantha flew into a _____ when she heard that her older brother would be getting her family’s real estate.  (111年第一銀行考題) 

40. The magical story is set in an _____ world where werewolves, vampires, and witches all live together. (108年兆豐銀行考題) 

41. When it comes to training for marathon, no one _____. (112年兆豐銀行考題) 

42. The singer suddenly changed her looks, and her fans could hardly _____ her. (109年第一銀行考題) 

43. That _____ is very professional; he can fix all kinds of problems about the equipment and machines. (110年合庫金控考題) 

44. He said he bought the lamp at an incredibly low price on an on-line _____ site. (107年第一銀行考題) 

45. The small lane is too _____ for any kind of car to pass through. (108年土地銀行考題) 

46. _____ his own money, he also invested all of his parents’ savings in the stock market. (110年合庫金控考題) 

47. Research suggests that there are some _____ ways in which we can think more creatively. (109年合作金庫考題) 

48. When World War II broke out, my grandfather fled his country and thus became a _____. (108年彰化銀行考題) 

49. He has a _____ to interrupt others, which is considered rude by many people. (112年土地銀行考題) 

50. The media and the general public ascribed the entrepreneur’s recent success to just _____. (107年彰化銀行考題)