1. Most of the _____ were satisfied with the annual bonus the company gave based on their job performance. 

2. Group registrations are not allowed. Each member must register for the conference _____. 

3. Small businesses usually can respond to new market _____ fast and make necessary changes. 

4. In order to make the project work, _____ between different departments is the key. 

5. Many college graduates fight their way into the renown and _____ companies for better career advancement. 

6. The Taiwanese golfer won the championship in the professional golf _____. 

7. A fine will be _____ on the drivers who fail to pay their highway toll on time. 

8. Many portable products are made as _____ as possible for user’s ease to carry. 

9. All employees are required not to discuss _____ information about the company. 

10. Many customers in Taiwan believe that they were being _____ as compared to the much lower price of the same product sold in the US. 

11. The _____ plan of the company provides income security for their employees after retirement. 

12. Children like to go trick-or-treating in special _____ on Halloween. Some may dress like an angel or a robot. 

13. Employees considered non-essential were _____. The temporary leave resulted from bad economic situations. 

14. This book offers a _____ guide to hotels in Tokyo. The author made a report on every single hotel there. 

15. Nowadays, many industries try to do something for _____ problems. They know the earth is greatly damaged by pollutants. 

16. Mr. Johnson rarely gets upset in the office, _____? 

17. The approaching typhoon forced the organizer _____ the game. 

18. _____ I read the proposal _____ the budget was so high. 

19. The city is going to hold a public hearing to discuss _____ the historical building should be torn down. 

20. It seemed that the walls _____. 

21. It is imperative that the city council _____ in favor of the city renewal plan. 

22. The manager talks as if he _____ mad at you, but this is just the way he talks to everybody. 

23. If the weather is good, we _____ the company outing as scheduled. 

24. _____ English, many Chinese classical novels gain attention and popularity in the US. 

25. _____ the CEO walked into the conference room, all department managers became very nervous. 

26. It has always been very generous _____ you to assist us in arranging the meeting. 

27. It’s a pity that I failed again. If I had read the book carefully, _____ the test. 

28. To see is _____. 

29. Many expressive people can recall _____ colorful childhoods; singer Carly Simon, comedian Billy Crystal, and poet Nikki Giovanni _____ their parents with involving them with richly creative experiences. 

30. A: Is this film good to watch?
B: Yes, it is. _____. It’s so moving. 



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※請依上文回答問題※What is the above passage mainly about? 

42. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following is closets in meaning to the underlined phrase “at a crossroads” in the first sentence? 

43. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the above passage? 

44. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following descriptions about petroleum is true? 

45. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following descriptions about biofuels is true? 


※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following is the best title for the above passage? 

47. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “rock-bottom prices”? 

48. ※請依上文回答問題※According to the passage, which of the following is true? 

49. ※請依上文回答問題※What is the most crucial contribution that Walton had to Wal-Mart? 

50. ※請依上文回答問題※Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “make ends meet”?