1. I _____ my uncle on the street last weekend. He was very happy to see me. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

2. You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from     to suspend your tent. (106年度桃園捷運考題)

3. According to the timetable, a bus should be here in _____ two minutes. But the rain and traffic might keep us waiting for another 10 minutes. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

4. The congress criticize that the education _____ gets slowed down in spite of the total tax revenue has increased recently. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

5. On the first day of the 3-day holiday, we left very early for our trip to     traffic jams. (103年度桃園捷運考題) 

6. By this time next year, the appearance of our station _____ greatly improved. (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

7. A: How did you get to work today?
B: _________________________ (109年度台北捷運新進技術員(電子類)、隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、站務員(身障類)考題) 

8. A: Could you give me a lift to the train station?
B: _____.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 

9. The wind is blowing _____, and there are leaves flying everywhere. (107年中桃園捷運考題) 

10. If we don’t want to pay _____, we must leave the hotel before the check-out time. That way, we don’t need to pay more money. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

11. The _____ music at the restaurant was too loud, making it difficult to hear each other. (112年度台中捷運考題) 

12. I am sorry, Mr. Lee. Mr. Chen is not available right now. He is on another line. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

13. The young teacher is an ______ person; he has made up his mind to establish his own school before 30. (111年度台中捷運考題) 

14. The door of this convenience store slides open _____ when you push the button, so you don't have to open it yourself. (110年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

15. The school offers a variety of workshops and seminars, free of _____, which are conducted by senior scholars from different departments. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

16. A fire _____ on the boat, causing some of the sailors to jump off board. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

17. Students are allowed to _____ the content of the article they are reading in their own way. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

18. It was my teacher who _____ me to study abroad, and it turned out to be the best time in my life. (110年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

19. He used to be a drug addict, but with proper    , he has made it to quit the habit. (103年度桃園捷運考題) 

20. How much is the MRT _____ from Taipei Main Station to Tamsui Station? (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

21. Sally, you are so late. I have been waiting for an hour. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

22. You should take some aspirin when you have a headache. It will make you feel better and _____ your pain. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

23. Let’s go to the supermarket. We are _____ out of milk and eggs. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、身障類行控資訊員及站務員、土木技術員、護理技術員) 

24. This cake is so delicious. May I have _____ piece? (111年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員(一般類)) 

25. Jenny really _____ the prize because she has spent a great amount of time and effort doing research on the cure for the rare disease.(109年度桃園捷運考題) 

26. The hospital personnel requires parents to provide a name for their newborn babies before allowing it _____. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

27. The invention of light is a great _____ to human civilization. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進工程員(三)) 

28. He was the first     and the last    . (106年度桃園捷運考題)

29. The travel agent had the reservation _____ to a later time. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進控制員(二)、工程員(二)、專員(二)) 

30. To save time in a conference, please do not talk about things that are not _____ to the main topic.(109年度桃園捷運考題) 

31. The demarcation of the _____ coordinate is drawn hypothetically with circles on the globe parallel to the equator. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

32. The athlete was found guilty of taking drugs and some prohibited    .  (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

33. Steve is a manager, and he is _____ the sales department in our company. (108年度台中捷運考題_工程員、副站長、助理工程員(機械類)、助理工程員(電機電子類)、助理工程員(土木類)、工程員(資訊類)、專員(企劃行銷類)、專員(法務類)、專員(財會類)、工程員) 

34. No one likes to talk to Alisa because she never listens to what others are saying, and this is not     at all. (107年度桃園捷運考題) 

35. With the computer software, making complex calculations will not be time-_____ anymore. (112年度台中捷運考題) 

36. Man: You’re not scared, are you?
Woman: It’s too high to climb up even for a brave one.
Man: Come on, take my hand. We’ll go up slowly, I promise.
What is the man trying to do? He tries to _____. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

37. The fire was finally put _____ after two hours. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、電機技術員、水電空調技術員、機械(高空)技術員、電子技術員) 

38. A: Thanks so much for your assistance.
B: __________. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、常年大夜技術員) 

39. Our company provides _____ protection for its officers and employees when acting within the scope of their employment. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

40. The escalator is not ______ properly, so you had better take the stairs.  (111年度台中捷運考題) 

41. Our office allows a _____ to work abroad, which is that a person, or a group, authorizes someone to serve as his or her representative for a particular task of responsibility. (109年度台北捷運新進控制員(二)、專員(二)考題) 

42. The seats in the MRT car are ______ for the disabled, the elderly, and pregnant women. (111年度台中捷運考題) 

43. A: Don't tell me you haven't finished the assignment yet!
B: __________. (107年度台北捷運考題_新進司機員、常年大夜技術員) 

44. The sense of humor a person has is closely bound up with his cultural _____. (112年度台北捷運考題_新進隨車站務員、常年大夜技術員、身障類行控資訊員及站務員、土木技術員、護理技術員) 

45. The exam is    . Let’s go to the library to study.  (104年度桃園捷運考題) 

46. It’s getting cold; _____ me a favor and turn on the heater. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

47. Sign up for a special account today and pay only $ 29.99--that’s 40% off the _____ price. (106年度台北捷運考題_司機員、隨車站務員、站務員) 

48. We should wear sunglasses to _____ eyes when the sunshine is too bright.(111年度台北捷運考題_新進技術員、司機員(原住民類)) 


※請依上文回答問題※What does the word “elusive” in the second paragraph most likely mean? (109年度桃園捷運第一次新進人員考題) 

50. A beam of light will not bend round corners unless     to do so with the help of a reflecting device. (106年度桃園捷運考題)