當出口地的船公司所發行之海運提單全套收回後,以F A X 通知進口地船公司放貨,稱為
台商出口貨物一批至香港約定5 月份裝船,港商L / C 規定 shipment after 7th till 30th ,則台商正確之裝船日期為
___________serves as a receipt for goods, an evidence of the contract of carriage, and adocument of title to the goods
在三角貿易案例中,通常Secondary L/C規定「Bill of Lading must indicate accountee as shipper and issued to order」,則下列敘述何者錯誤?
非以L / C 為付款條件下之F O B 、F C A 、C F R 、C P T 等貿易條件,下列何者為出口商應投保項目?
海運提單的表面條款記載「one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void 」,若發行份數為4 份,則當提出幾份時,其餘海運提單變成無效?
A:What's your payment term? B:______________________
買賣雙方約定付款條件為不可撤銷信用狀,則在Purchase Order中有關p a y m e n t 的敘述,下列何者最適當?
若契約與L / C 均規定2 1 0 0 C / S 之訂貨each month shipment 700C/S commerce from May ,則下列何者為正確方式?
當提單上標明Received from shipper ....the goods or packages said to contain goods ....in good order and condition by ....to be transported ...by the motor ship是屬
下列何者係指受開狀銀行委託對L / C 項下之讓購銀行的求償給予償付但不負審單之責?
___________serves as a receipt for goods, an evidence of the contract of carriage, and not a document of title to the goods
託收付款條件中, D/A 30 days sight 與 D/P 30 days sight的主要不同點為
依據I N C O T E R M S 2 0 0 0 之規定,Carriage and Insurance Paid to NewYork,其NewYork係指下列何者?
Which of the following terms is not payment terms?
有關銀行保證函(Bank Guarantee) 與擔保信用狀( Standby Credit) 之敘述, 下列何者錯誤?
_________ our S/C No. 8603 dated August 6, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by the end of next month.
Which of the following insurance coverage does not cover particular average?
我國A 公司4 月1 2 日根據英國B 公司4 月1 0 日的詢價,做出報價〝YOURS TENTH OFFER SUBJECT REPLY REACHING US SIXTEENTH CIF HAMBURG USD4.00...... 〞. 下列敘述何者正確?
依提單受貨人一欄內所填寫之內容, 下列何者需要託運人背書?
某箱貨物其外包裝上之裝運標誌為:CHICAGO VIA SEATTLE C/NO:86/250 MADE IN TAIWAN, 下列何者錯誤?
The stipulations of the________ should agree with those of the_________.