1. I like many types of movies, but my favorite __  is science fiction films. 

2. On our trip we will only take our tour groups to shop at the most ______ outlets like top department stores to maintain our upscale image.

3. There’s too much crime in that country; tourists may get robbed or even killed in broad ______.

4. Jason is thinking of purchasing a new ______ because the springs in the old one have gone.

5. A canal______along a leafy bike pass, through green parks, and pass the city’s four remaining windmills.

6. “Is all the fuss about the Mozart anniversary justified?”“Oh, yes. There is something about Mozart that appeals in a way that no other composer in history did.”“He appeals a lot to young people?”“That's right.”

7. The two friends wanted to spend their vacation quietly, so they chose a ______ village far from busy tourist places.

8. The hostess ______ the guests to the living room where drinks were served.

9. With 49 shops around the island, Eslite Bookstore was ______ by Time magazine in 2004 as a must-see for visitors to Taiwan.

10. Whenever something goes wrong, people often try to make someone a ______ so that they can blame that person for what has happened.

11. Although he lost a lot of money,_____ he cherished what he had.

12. Paul's success in business_____ his friend's help.

13. The view of______waterfalls in the rainforest is spectacular.

14. 某甲經營「甲種旅行社」包含總公司共3家,依規定應繳納多少保證金?

15. Prices at the new restaurant ______ from $5.00 to $20.00.

16. Each room of this hotel has large windows that provide _____ views of the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

17. 我明白你的意思。

18. During the holidays, most major hotels will be fully booked. An ______ is to try and find a guest house near your desired destination.

19. If you plan to sue the travel agency, you have to have enough ______ reasons in order to guarantee a successful result.

20. Your friend has just brought you a birthday present. You say, “______.”

21. Teamwork plays a vital __  in fulfilling any mission, particularly at a time when an economic recession is looming on the horizon. 

22. In the United States, tobacco advertisements are not allowed on TV; ______, our government imposes a ban on tobacco ads.

23. The depth of the current economic trauma is one that the ordinary Irish man or woman has found hard to accept, ______ fully comprehend.

24. Dogs are said to be our most _____ friends because they enrich our life with their loyal company and never complain.

25. So, you have to give a speech--and you're terrified. You get nervous. You forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “thank goodness, it's over. I'm just no good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.” The passage implies, but does not directly say, that

26. Tom's parents have always moved from one city to another every few years, so Tom has never really had a_____ home.

27. The city government must decide __  it wants to increase taxes or undergo severe budget cutbacks. 

28. Fireworks and firecrackers are often used in Chinese communities to ______ greeting good fortunes and scaring away evils.

29. Andy: When do you want to go?Mary:_____  

30. When I travel around, I prefer ______ clothing to tight clothing.

31. Beatrix’s friend had given her a ______ interview before she actually went to meet the personnel manager of the company she was applying to.

32. A: Are you interested in politics?B: No, it is not my cup of __ . 

33. If you are fed ______ with conventional foods, try some ethnic cuisines.

34. As the largest metro subway system in Taiwan, the Taipei MRT     about 1.3 million riders daily. It is fast, convenient, and, most importantly, CLEAN!

35. 兩岸第5次江陳會談簽訂的海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議,臺灣在電影放映服務業的開放承諾,符合規定的大陸影片每年可以有幾部進入臺灣商業發行映演?

36. Preservation Hall is one of the many jazz______in New Orleans, but some of the best music can still be found on street corners, in backyards and at funerals.

37. Deck chairs operate on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved. Please take your __  with you when leaving a deck chair for a period of time, or they may be removed. 

38. Taiwan is short of _____ resources but full of educational opportunities.

39. Many couples live together even though they are not married. The ______ of their behavior are highly suspect, but technically they are within the law.

40. International ______ allows countries to buy what they need from other countries.

41. Customs officers usually have a _____ face and they have the right to ask us to open our baggage for searching.

42. Unfortunately, Mike’s vacation at the lake didn’t live ______ his expectations.

43. Tour tickets, once booked, are __  to a 10% cancellation fee if returned prior to the deadline. 

44. An open-minded city, Taipei ______ Asia’s first Gay Pride parade which has now become an annual autumn event.

45. The price is five ______ as much as the amount of another tour.

46. Jack was the least popular student in our class because he always enjoyed teasing and making jokes ______ others.

47. The Star Lodge boasts 20 years of 80 percent __ , a record for the state. 


A teacher always tries his ______ best to educate his students.

49. Most taxi drivers in Kinmen prefer to ask for a ______ fare rather than use the meter.


Amy Wang worked so hard that she was soon________ to assistant manager.